Heres my screenshots for my final project for my modeling class in Digital Media Arts College. The project was to model, light, and texture a realistic back alley scene from a reference photo. the scene you're looking at only has around 900 visible polygons (excluding the player character.) I imported the finshed scene in maya into the Unreal Engine, and added post process effects, mock volumetric fog, animations, AI behavior, and gameplay programming with Kismet and UnrealScript. All of the models shown except the lightbulb and the character are using 2K (2048x2048) diffuse, and normal map textures. The diffuse maps were balanced to work as a specular and displacement maps in the red and blue channels.
The complete microlevel was completed with 20,000 triangles (just slightly under 10,000 quads.)
Playable download coming soon, level playthrough video coming even sooner!
Time to Develop: 10 days