All design elements except for icons and pictures were achieved using the new functions in CSS3, and all elements with similar attributes were grouped together and refined with specific ID's, which cut down on the amount of code needed to achieve the design. This did a very good job with decreasing load times, and increasing visibility on search engines.
A scroll-following sidebar was added with jQuery later on to promote the companies social media presence.
The look was achieved with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Homepage | Step-by-step
The company requested that I make a simple overview of how they communicate with their customers, and the process in which they provide their services. I added elements of interactivity whereever possible with HTML5. This portion of the home page was done with under 70 lines of CSS code
The look was achieved with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery.
The products page had to show the customers what the company has to offer, and have a small description of each one to;1) briefly explain the benefits of the product and the differences between them 2) have content that is search engine friendly 3) make it manageable to read in a few minutes
The look was achieved using HTML5 and CSS3.
Individual Product Pages
Each product had to have one or two pictures (big enough to see small details, small enough to not take too long to load) so i made them enlarge when the mouse moves over them.
I turned the list of features and extras on the bottom half into small boxes, to make it less overwhelming to read, and gave them a mouse-over effect as well.
The look was achieved using HTML5 and CSS3 and Photoshop for color balancing the images.
Contact Page
The contact system had to recognize ZIP codes in South Florida to give the appropriate salesperson the customers information. It was made with HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL.
Calculator Page
This little snippet will take the dimensions of your windows and tell you how much Assured Storm Protection charges for Accordion Hurricane Shutters.
This was achieved with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery for the frontend, and PHP and MySQL for the backend.